Sunday, July 11, 2010

e-Wallpaper ::5::

After adding the people image, I will adding A TM University image into my e-Wallpaper.
Here is the step or how I add the "A TM University" logo.

::STEP 32::
Create new layer and name it as TM University.
Rectangular Marquee tool.
Draw the rectangle at the bottom area of the wallpaper as image above.

::STEP 33::
Click Paint Bucket Tool and choose black colour.

::STEP 34::
Open A TM University image.
Unlock the image and rename the name as TM.

::STEP 35::
Use Rec
tangular Marquee tool to select
Use the Magic Wand Tool and click to the white background of A TM University logo.
After that, press delete to remove white background of A TM University image.
Then, use move tool to move the
A TM University image
to backgroung image that i already do it in the earlier.

::STEP 36::
Right click in TM University layer.
Choose Blending Options.
Mark the Outer Glow box.
Change the Opacity into 59%.
The Noise into 0%
The Spread into 13%
And the Size into 24 px

And here is the finish image after I add A TM University image.

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