Sunday, July 11, 2010

e-Wallpaper ::4::

After I finish adding the MMU logo, I will adding some people photo into my e-wallpaper.

::STEP 26::
Open the image.

::STEP 27::
Unlock the image and rename it as people.

::STEP 27::
Use the Magic Wand Tool and click to the white background
After that, press delete to remove white background of people image.

::STEP 28::
Rectangular Marquee tool to select people picture
After that, use
move tool to drag the people layer into the background image.

::STEP 28::
Enlarge the picture.
Right click to Blur tool.
Choose Sharpen tool or blur tool or smudge tool and use it around the people image.

::STEP 29::
Right click in people layer
Choose blending options.
Then, click outer glow.
Change the blend mode into normal.
And then changer the opacity into 41%
After that, change the spread into 4% and the size into 114%.
Then i need to change the range for the quality into 54%

::STEP 30::
Click the Drop Shadow box

::STEP 31::
Click the
Inner Shadow box and change the colour into yellow

Here is the finish image after i edit people image.

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