Friday, July 23, 2010

e-Wallpaper ::10::

Right now, I want to make same line in my e-wallpaper.

::STEP 87::
Create new layer and rename it as line.

::STEP 88::
Choose Brush Tool or click" b".

::STEP 89::
Change the brush size into 9.

::STEP 90::
Choose Pen Tool.

::STEP 91::
Do the straight line as the picture above.

::STEP 92::
Press "a" and right click at the line and choose Stroke Path.

::STEP 93::
Change the Tool into Brush.

And here is the image after I finish step 93.

::STEP 94::
Create new layer.
Press "CTRL" and click in line layer and layer 1.
After that, press "ctrl + e".
Do some same adjustment for outer glow and drop shadow.

::STEP 95::
Right click into the line and choose warp.
U can edit the line base on what design U want.

Here is the image after i finish do step 95.
Repeat again step 87 until 95 to make 2 more line and rename the line as line2 and line3.

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